
SRFL Collection is a general site of SRFL's study

22/07/2018 13:39
SRFL Collection is a general site of SRFL's  study. Papers, esseys and the relative information for language universals are seen easily. More desisive study are referred to its top pages information. The url is the next.    

SRFL Math for the first learners of language universals renewed

21/07/2018 23:21
SRFL Math is a simplified study site of SRFL for the first learners of language universals and its related themes. Url is the newxt. https://                      Tokyo Metoropolitan Jindai Botanical Gardens   ...

Upload of papers and essays between 2003-2016 will be finished over soon

09/07/2018 23:30
Upload of papers and essays between 2003-2016 will be finished over soon at Blogger sites, SRFL News and Sekinan Table.. Each article is related with language universals mainly through geometrical  approach.   URLs are the next. For essay  For...

SRFL Lab renewed today

04/07/2018 23:08
SRFL is now the most impportant working site for Quantum Group Language that has been thought since my start in 2003 for the study of language universal. Refernce Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language 2003

Five site main contents Till 2016

28/02/2018 00:00
  Five site main contents  Till 2016     Sekinan Library About Portrait early 1970s Tachikawa Youth Days, For SAEKI Shizuto Henry the Fourth, For SAEKI Shizuto and Shakespeare Road to Language Universals The days of Sekinan...

SRFL Lab and Geometrization Language have been arranged

04/11/2017 11:55
Working two sites for language universals , SRFL Lab and Geometrization Language have been arranged gradually from 1 November 2017. SRFL Lab's  aim is at Quantum Group Language. Geometrization Language is from W. P. Thurston's Geometrization conjecture that was prooved by G. Perelman. URL...

Website launched

04/11/2015 11:36
This new website has been launched today.